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How to capture book cover images from Amazon

Sometimes you need a book cover image for a blog post or some other reason. Here’s how you can get the image from Amazon without the Look Inside banner:

  1. On the Amazon book page, right-click the book cover image.
  2. Select “View image” from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the address bar (aka URL bar or location bar) of your browser, delete everything from the last period on the right to the second-to-last period on the right. There should be only one period left.
  4. Refresh the browser window to check the URL.
  5. Tada! Save the image or its URL.

An example

View image:,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160_.jpg

Cover with Amazon flair

Cover with Amazon flair

Image URL:

Cover with Amazon flair removed

Cover with Amazon flair removed

How to sell e-books in person

Many of my clients sell books at book shows, state fairs, seminars, and other events where they are face-to-face with readers. Selling in person works great when you have a physical book and the reader likes physical books. Some readers, however, prefer e-books.

Telling someone your book is available at all the major e-book retailers isn’t good customer service. The buyer wants the book now, not later — assuming they’ll remember to look for it later.

At least two companies are now making e-book cards. Each card has a redemption code on it, just like the gift cards found on kiosks at stores. Book buyers buy the book card from the author/publisher, go to the website shown on the card, enter the redemption code, and download the e-book.

I haven’t used any of these services, and I’d be interested in hearing from authors, publishers, and readers who have.




Updated 10/20/2013 to add an additional source.

A long history of self-publishing

Back when Northern California Publishers & Authors (NCPA) was still Sacramento Publishers Association (SPA), I was the newsletter editor for a year or so. There have been so many changes in publishing, the passing time feels like an eon rather than a decade. One of the featured articles back then was the switch to sending PDFs (rather than the PageMaker files) to printers; the member publishers were all putting out print books only. At least one author member was submitting to Hard Shell Word Factory, but I don’t even remember now what devices could read those e-books.

The Pen & Press is still in production, but the nameplate I designed hasn’t been in use for years. I think the design holds up well, even now, and evokes the long tradition of self-publishing. As I wrote in 2001:

The first English-language self-publisher was William Caxton. A textile merchant based in Bruges, Caxton was also a writer. His translation from the French of Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, self-published around 1475, was the first printed English-language book. Two years later Caxton returned to England, setting up a printing house that published still-studied works such as Morte d’Arthur and The Canterbury Tales, and establishing the independent publishing tradition followed by members of Sacramento Publishers Association.

The date and volume number of each issue was added below the organization name.