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Cost of printing at Lulu, CreateSpace, and LSI

I have a spreadsheet with the formulas for calculating costs of printing books at Lightning Source (LSI), CreateSpace, and Lulu. Let me show you the per-book printing cost for each: 300 pages, paperback, 5.5″ × 8.5″ $ 4.80 LSI $ 5.10 CreateSpace Pro Plan $ 7.00 Lulu (publisher grade paper) $10.50 Lulu (standard paper) 650 . . .

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POD = Print On Demand

POD is a process: Print On Demand. Any printshop running a digital press — such as a DocuTech, an Indigo, an iGen, a Nuvera — can provide POD services. They print only the quantity you need. There’s no minimum of 500 or 1,000 copies. Kinko’s and AlphaGraphics are POD shops, just as Lightning Source is. . . .

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