I can handle all aspects of producing your book, from copyediting your manuscript to designing and typesetting your book, creating your book cover, and converting your print book to an e-book.
I have worked on books printed in medium quantities on offset presses and books printed digitally through Lightning Source, CreateSpace, Lulu, and other POD (print-on-demand) printers. I’ve worked on novels; nonfiction with footnotes, endnotes, and indexes; and family histories that were packed with over 100 photographs.
If you want, I can walk you through obtaining an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), a PCN/LCCN (catalog number from the Library of Congress cataloging department), and a PCIP (Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication) data block. After your book is completed, I can help you register your copyright with the Library of Congress.
If you haven’t already decided where to have your book printed, I will obtain printing quotes from established book printers for you and then work with the printer you select. In most cases you will pay the printer directly. The cost of printing is not included in my fee.
Although I can provide you with information about distributors and wholesalers and publicists, I don’t handle any form of marketing. It’s outside my area of expertise, and you’ll get better results working with a specialist who knows and loves the field.
For that same reason — better results — I focus on the projects I do best, creating books and websites.