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Archive for the E-books category

Organizing the parts of your e-book

The order for front matter and back matter for print has been covered earlier. I’ve modified the order slightly for e-books to make them more reader-friendly. Note that I build the EPUBs myself. Chapters and sections listed below are in separate files. Front matter Cover Title page (may be combined with copyright page OR may . . .

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E-book cover size

There are two covers for ebooks, the embedded cover and the marketing cover. The different vendors (Amazon, etc.) give the requirements for marketing covers on their websites. prednisone For embedded covers, consider the screen resolution in pixels, using the dimensions of your target devices. ambien You may see DPI (dots per inch) mentioned in reference . . .

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Fake small caps vs. true small caps

True small-capital letters require a font that supports small caps; i.e., the typeface has special characters designed to be approximately the same x-height as lowercase letters but using the uppercase letter shape. Fake small caps, created by reducing capital letters by 75 or 80 percent, stick out visually; they’re thin and spindly. stromectol online Although . . .

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