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Fifteen years!

September is the fifteenth anniversary of Williams Writing, Editing & Design. When I first started out, I had just left federal employment and a 50-minute commute morning and night. I worked from the family computer in the kitchen for five years until my daughter went to college and I commandeered her bedroom for my office.

I love working from my home office. The time I spent preparing for work and commuting is now spent working on projects, my own and those of my clients.

And I’ve worked with some wonderful people on great projects. My clients are enthusiastic about their books and websites; they’re not just ticking off a requirement on a checklist. It makes me feel that the work I do for them is important and needs my best effort.

About Sandra K. Williams

Sandra K. Williams loves books, both printed and digital. Since 1996 she has worked with authors and independent publishers, editing and designing books for print. Since 1999 she has built easy-to-use, accessible websites, and she uses her HTML and CSS skills to design reader-friendly e-books.

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